Sunday, August 3, 2008


The flowers readily blossom forth,
The birds flock back from the north,

From atop trees,
In the scented breeze,
Birds melodiously sing.

Beneath their shade,
With a rope's aid,
Children joyously swing.

Rejoice! It is spring.
Another fun day...(I seem to be having a number of these lately :))...Watched The Mummy with bro and niece and nephew...and whiled away a lot of time..have .gotten VC# and Web Dev running though :)...
The next day now :)...was off to college during the day...just back...had Nestea :)...talked with PnP (ok people this is my new codeword for you two :))...chatted with a few friends...That's pretty much it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet but pls put more time into poems.....

Waise I wrote u a testi too, and dint find ne comments on my blog :(