Friday, December 26, 2008

The one for me

Well, I subscribe to the romantic notion that somewhere out there, there's someone meant for me (umm, well...just for me...i am a bit possessive u see :))...just penned down something towards this end
Where? I have no clue,
But I know it is true,
That somewhere, the one for me does await,
Waiting to be united with me by fate.

She may be,
Just round the alley,
Passing before me daily,
Just that I don't notice.


She may be,
A thousand miles away,
Where the winds hold sway,
Kissing her silky hair gently.

Where? I really have no clue,
But I know it is definitely true,
That somewhere out there, the one for me does await,
Waiting to be finally united with me by fate.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Wonder Years

Firstly, a heart-felt apology for me being a (very) lazy person (but then this very laziness is an integral part of me :( which i'd like to do away with)
this is something I've written about the nostalgic feeling that we are bound to get when we people move on from college...i myself have experienced it when i left boarding school in class 10th...i remember distinctly that it was sad (to the point of bringing tears to my eyes) to think of leaving people who had been an integral part of my life for 8 long years...although you do keep in touch with your closest friends, its not the same as being there with them day in and day out.

This is dedicated to all people that I've had the pleasure of befriending, be it at SEM, Columbas or at NSIT...Thank you for considering me worthy of your friendship.

Hark the day steadily approaches,
When we shall part in separate coaches,
//coaches: probably the metro to our homes
To carry on this journey called life,
//remember life's a journey not a destination
Taking along memories of fun and strife.
//Fun:Receiving treats. Strife:Giving them

Tis far as yet, but not for long,
//Umm the 31st of May I guess??
And one day it will finally dawn,
//The 31st again
And then we shall bid adieu,
//Bye, tata, see you, et all
Amidst a solemn milieu.
//I guess we will be feeling sad when we part

Will we meet again after we part,
//Of course we will...this is just a poem
This I know not as of now,
//Am not a soothsayer you see
But for this much I can vow,
//But can't promise that i'll keep my vow
You will always have a place in my heart.
//Plenty of space there :P

The experiences we've shared together,
//Bunking classes...heck full day(s) bunk
The hardships that we've had to weather,
//Rs 500 :( :( :(
The moments we've whiled away,
//Too many to specify...more like every moment
Chatting idly all the day,
//This is pretty much all we did right??
All these, I will fondly remember,
//Yeah seriously
And cherish for ever and ever.
//Well at least as long as my memory would allow

P.S.: I'm becoming a rather good coder right? Look the poem's commented too! :P

Dunno why, but i find it impossible to resist myself from using rhyming words for every line which is a sort of a strain on my limited the above piece is not as good in conveying what i really feel :(...but then i hope u people get the gist.

Ok if someone's in the same nostalgic mood, might I recommend the song "Purani Jeans Aur Guitar" by Ali Haider, lyrics at =>
I always feel so senti after hearing this, despite me not being the cigarette smoking types.

Edit: On re-reading this, the commenting makes it rather's it all as one

Hark the day steadily approaches,
When we shall part in separate coaches,
To carry on this journey called life,
Taking with us memories of fun and strife.

Tis far as yet, but not for long,
And one day it will finally dawn,
And then we shall bid adieu,
Amidst a solemn milieu.

Will we meet again after we part,
This I know not as of now,
But for this much I can vow,
You will always have a place in my heart.

The experiences we've shared together,
The hardships that we've had to weather,
The moments we've whiled away,
Chatting idly all the day,
All these, I will fondly remember,
And cherish for ever and ever.