While all this may seem preachy, this is primarily written as a note to self. So please bear :).
Sometimes it would appear that the entire world is conspiring against you when, in fact, it is just one's mind playing the odd trick; for, such times of suffering/solitude/[insert the sad feeling you've experienced most recently here] have the capacity to contort the mind of (wo)men - to turn them to thoughts completely contrived.
While such times can be testing, remember that what doesn't kill only makes one stronger. Perhaps all this is just a lesson - a rite of passage - to adulthood. Perhaps there will come a time when one will look back at all of this with a smile on the face.
Till such a time comes, we are better served by focusing on the present - living the moment. Things that have happened in the past (especially not-so-pleasant occurrences) are best forgotten as a general rule. This rule acquires greater significance in testing times, when, if not heeded to, often leads to people getting stuck in a rut; a maelstrom of never-ending melancholy. Living in the moment, experiencing whatever life throws at you, embracing whatever life presents you with, is the way out of the quagmire of testing times methinks.