As his gaze met hers, he was taken aback by what he saw. Eyes which had once seemed to hold the love of the entire world for him, were now devoid of any emotion. She just stared back at him nonplussed, as if she couldn't care less who stood before her. Then she muttered the words that would scar him for life..."Rohit, we need to talk", was what she said, and he realized he knew just where this was heading.
And that is how it was. The final meeting which promised to lead to a happily ever after, ended with him being left at the altar.
our mind always roots out from within... Sometimes, solutions are possible only by applying Reverse-Psychology...
Here the solution goes... We always think of "We" as the input to her... Lets cease it for a while... Now "She" is the input for you... Since she doesnt understand the depth of your love.. since she could be an easy victim for Money & Pride & foreign culture... since she never thought of you as a soulmate... She DOESNT DESERVE your pure love... She missed you... one day, she will feel for the loss... Move on!
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