Saturday, February 5, 2011

Moving on...


It seems hard to forget,
The times together spent,
Of borrowed sorrows, of loaned smiles,
Of memorable talks and walked miles,

And as the time to depart draws near,
You are filled with a new found fear,
For once, the choice seems a terrible mistake,
And you repent why did you, this decision take.
And as people bid goodbye,
You finds it impossible to not cry.

All seems so bleak and dreary then,
Its hard to imagine the near future when,
Putting all this behind, the past you forget,
And no longer do you, the decision regret.

You might not feel so now,
But time heals the deepest of wounds,
And that day will soon surely dawn,
The day when you'd have moved on...

For you'll soon have found friends anew,
Friends who treat you even better than we do,
(Ok the commented part is perhaps not true :P)